10 of the Best Trees for Firewood in Northern Virginia

Looking to keep warm during the chilly nights in Northern Virginia? Look no further than the diverse selection of tree species for firewood. Each tree has its unique qualities, offering a deeper connection with nature while providing essential warmth. From the classic choice of oak trees to the fragrant and insect-repellent cedar trees, there’s a perfect option for every preference and budget. Read on for information on ten of the best trees for firewood, including:

  1. Oak (genus Quercus)
  2. Hickory (genus Carya)
  3. Maple (genus Acer)
  4. Ash (genus Fraxinus)
  5. Beech (genus Fagus)
  6. Cherry (genus Prunus)
  7. Walnut (genus Juglans)
  8. Pine (genus Pinus)
  9. Cedar (genus Cedrus)
  10. Poplar (genus Populus)

So, get ready to cozy up by the fire and discover the ideal tree species for your firewood needs.

Best Trees for Firewood – Takeaways

  • Cherry firewood is the top choice for firewood in Northern Virginia due to its high heat output and stunning appearance.
  • Walnut firewood is a popular choice in Northern Virginia as it provides long-lasting heat and emits a pleasant aroma.
  • Pine firewood is abundant in Northern Virginia and is ideal for quick warmth or outdoor cooking, although it requires frequent log additions.
  • Cedar firewood is recommended for outdoor fires and cozy nights as it emits a pleasant fragrance and acts as a natural insect repellent. Easy to light and fast burning, cedar is an ideal choice for kindling.

1. Oak Trees: A Classic Choice for Firewood

Oak trees are a classic choice for firewood in Northern Virginia. They are known for their dense, slow-burning wood that produces long-lasting and steady heat. If you’re looking for firewood that will keep your home warm throughout the winter, oak is a reliable option.

One of the reasons oak is so popular for firewood is its high heat value. It burns hotter and longer than many other tree species, making it an efficient choice for heating your home. Oak also produces less smoke and sparks compared to some other types of firewood, which is a bonus if you want to keep your fireplace or wood stove clean and safe.

Another benefit of oak firewood is its availability. Northern Virginia has a plentiful supply of oak trees, making it easy to find and gather firewood. Whether you have your own property with oak trees or you purchase it from a local supplier, oak firewood is readily accessible in the area.

Lastly, oak firewood is known for its pleasant aroma when burned. It releases a sweet, earthy scent that can enhance the ambiance of your home during the colder months. So not only will oak keep you warm, but it will also create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

A tall shagbark hickory showing its eponymous shaggy, brown, vertical bark strips.

Hickory trees, including the shagbark species, are an excellent choice for firewood in Northern Virginia.

2. Hickory Trees: A Flavorful and Long-Burning Option

If you’re looking for a flavorful and long-burning option, hickory is a fantastic choice. Hickory trees, commonly found in Northern Virginia, provide an excellent source of firewood that will not disappoint. With its distinct aroma and rich flavor, hickory adds a unique touch to any fire. Whether you are using it for cooking or simply enjoying a cozy evening by the fireplace, hickory wood will enhance the experience.

One of the main advantages of hickory as a firewood option is its long-burning properties. Hickory logs can burn for extended periods, allowing you to enjoy a steady and consistent heat source. This makes it ideal for those cold winter nights when you want to keep your home warm and comfortable.

Additionally, hickory wood produces a strong and delightful aroma when burned. The sweet and smoky scent adds an extra layer of enjoyment to your outdoor gatherings or indoor relaxation time. It creates a cozy atmosphere that is hard to resist.

Furthermore, hickory wood is known for its high energy content and dense nature. These characteristics make it an efficient fuel source, providing you with a longer-lasting fire and reducing the need for constant refueling.

3. Maple Trees: A Versatile and Aromatic Firewood

Maple trees provide a versatile and aromatic option for firewood in the region. When it comes to choosing firewood, you want something that not only burns well but also adds a pleasant aroma to your home. Maplewood checks both of those boxes. It is known for its versatility and the variety of uses it offers.

One of the main benefits of using maple firewood is its versatility. It can be used in both indoor and outdoor fireplaces, making it a great choice for any setting. Whether you are cozying up by the fireplace during the cold winter months or enjoying a bonfire in your backyard, maple wood will serve you well.

In addition to its versatility, maple firewood also emits a delightful aroma when burned. The sweet scent of maple adds an extra touch of coziness to your home, making it even more inviting. Imagine the crackling sound of the firewood and the warm aroma of maple filling the air – it’s a sensory experience that can’t be beaten.

When it comes to firewood, maple trees are a fantastic option. They provide a versatile and aromatic choice that will enhance any fire-setting experience. So, whether you’re looking to warm up indoors or enjoy a night under the stars, consider using maple firewood for a delightful and fragrant fire.

4. Ash Trees: A Reliable and Easy-to-Split Choice

Ash trees are a reliable and easy-to-split option for your firewood needs. They are highly regarded for their excellent burning qualities and are often a top choice for many homeowners. Here are five reasons why you should consider using ash trees for firewood:

  1. High heat output: Ashwood burns hot and provides a steady, long-lasting heat source. This makes it ideal for keeping your home warm during those cold winter nights.
  2. Easy to split: Ash wood has a straight grain and is relatively easy to split, making it a favorite among those who split their own firewood. You won’t have to struggle with heavy tools or spend excessive time and effort trying to split it.
  3. Low moisture content: Ash wood has a lower moisture content compared to other tree species, which means it will burn more efficiently and produce less smoke. This can help reduce the buildup of creosote in your chimney and minimize air pollution.
  4. Versatile: Ash wood can be used in a variety of wood-burning appliances, including fireplaces, wood stoves, and outdoor fire pits. Its versatility makes it a practical choice for any firewood application.
  5. Pleasant aroma: When burned, ash wood releases a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma, adding to the overall ambiance of your home. The aromatic qualities of ash make it a popular choice for those who enjoy the sensory experience of a crackling fire.

As you can see, ash trees are an excellent option for keeping your home warm and cozy.

Golden, oval shaped beech leaves with dark veins hang from their stems, highlighted by sunlight.

Beech is an excellent choice for firewood, but its high water content means it needs to be dried well before burning.

5. Beech Trees: A Hardwood with High Heat Output

You should consider using beech trees for firewood because they are hardwood with high heat output. Beech trees, commonly found in Northern Virginia, are known for their dense and durable wood. When burned, beech wood produces a high amount of heat, making it an excellent choice for keeping your home warm during the cold winter months.

One of the main advantages of beech trees as firewood is their high energy content. The dense wood of beech trees burns slowly and steadily, providing a long-lasting source of heat. This means that you won’t have to constantly add more wood to your fire, allowing you to relax and enjoy the warmth without constantly tending to it.

In addition to their high heat output, beech trees are also relatively easy to split. Their straight grain and smooth texture make them ideal for splitting into firewood. This means that you won’t have to exert as much effort or spend as much time preparing your firewood compared to other tree species.

Furthermore, beech wood produces a pleasant aroma when burned, adding to the overall ambiance of your home. The sweet smell of burning beech wood can create a cozy atmosphere that enhances your winter experience.

6. Cherry Trees: A Fragrant and Beautiful Firewood Option

Cherry trees, with their fragrant wood and beautiful appearance, make for an excellent choice of firewood. Not only do they provide a pleasant aroma when burning, but they also produce a high heat output, making them ideal for keeping you warm during those chilly winter nights in Northern Virginia.

When it comes to firewood, cherry trees are known for their dense and hardwood. This means that they burn longer and produce more heat compared to softer woods. With cherry firewood, you can expect a consistent and steady burn, allowing you to enjoy a cozy fire for hours on end.

In addition to their practicality, cherry trees also offer aesthetic benefits. The wood itself has a rich, reddish-brown color with a smooth grain that adds a touch of elegance to any fireplace or wood stove. The beautiful appearance of cherry firewood is sure to enhance the overall ambiance of your home while providing a reliable source of heat.

When harvesting cherry trees for firewood, it’s important to ensure that the wood is properly seasoned. This means allowing it to dry for at least six months to a year before burning. Seasoned cherry firewood will burn more efficiently and produce less smoke, reducing the risk of chimney buildup and improving air quality.

7. Walnut Trees: A Slow-Burning and High-Density Firewood

Now that you’ve learned about the fragrant and beautiful firewood option of cherry trees, let’s explore another fantastic choice for firewood in Northern Virginia: walnut trees.

Not only are walnut trees known for their delicious nuts, but they also make excellent firewood.

Walnut trees are highly sought after for their slow-burning and high-density qualities. When properly seasoned, walnut firewood can provide a long-lasting and consistent heat source for your home. Its slow-burning nature means you won’t have to constantly tend to the fire, allowing you to sit back and relax while enjoying its warmth.

In addition to its slow burn, walnut firewood emits a pleasant aroma that adds to the cozy atmosphere of your home. The high density of walnut wood also means that it produces a steady flame and produces a substantial amount of heat. You can be confident that your home will stay warm and toasty throughout the chilly Northern Virginia winters.

8. Pine Trees: A Softwood with Quick Ignition

If you’re looking for a firewood option that ignites quickly, pine trees are a great choice. Pine trees are known for their quick ignition due to their resin content and softwood characteristics. The resin acts as a natural accelerant, making it easy to start a fire with pine wood. This is especially beneficial if you need to quickly warm up your home or cook a meal outdoors.

In addition to their quick ignition, pine trees also produce a good amount of heat when burned. The high resin content in pine wood allows it to burn at a high temperature, providing a cozy and warm atmosphere. This makes pine a popular choice for those cold winter nights when you need a reliable and efficient heat source.

Another advantage of pine as firewood is its abundance. Pine trees are widely available in Northern Virginia, making them an easily accessible option for firewood. Whether you’re cutting down your own tree or purchasing firewood from a local supplier, you won’t have trouble finding pine wood.

However, it’s worth noting that pine wood burns relatively quickly compared to other hardwoods. This means you’ll need to keep adding more logs to keep the fire going. But if you’re looking for a firewood option that ignites quickly and produces a good amount of heat, pine trees are definitely a top choice in Northern Virginia.

9. Cedar Trees: A Fragrant and Insect-Repellent Firewood

Perhaps the most controversial member of our best trees for firewood list, not everyone likes to burn cedar, but if you’re interested in an easy-to-light, fast-burning softwood, cedar may be the ideal choice.

Cedarwood emits a pleasant fragrance and acts as a natural insect repellent when used as firewood. If you’re looking for firewood that not only provides warmth but also keeps pesky insects away, cedar is an excellent choice. The unique scent of cedar adds a pleasant aroma to your surroundings, making your outdoor fire experience even more enjoyable. Additionally, it makes a great source of kindling.

In addition to its fragrance, cedar wood has natural properties that repel insects. This means you can say goodbye to those annoying bugs that often swarm around outdoor fires. Whether you’re camping, having a backyard bonfire, or simply enjoying a cozy night by the fireplace, cedar firewood will help keep those unwanted insects at bay.

Not only does cedar firewood keep insects away, but it also ignites easily and burns well. You won’t have to struggle with getting your fire started when using cedar. Its quick ignition makes it a convenient choice, especially when you’re in need of a fire to warm up on a chilly evening.

A triangular, green poplar leaf glow golden-green in the sun.

Easy to light, fast burning, and highly accessible, poplar is a superb firewood choice.

10. Poplar Trees: A Budget-Friendly and Fast-Burning Option

Looking for an affordable and quick-burning option for your next fire? Consider using poplar wood.

Poplar trees, also known as tulip trees, are abundant in Northern Virginia and make excellent firewood.

Here are three reasons why poplar wood is a budget-friendly and fast-burning choice:

  • Cost-effective: Poplar wood is relatively inexpensive compared to other hardwoods like oak or hickory. It is readily available and can be easily obtained from local suppliers or even your own property if you have poplar trees. Choosing poplar wood for your firewood needs can help you save money without compromising on quality.
  • Fast-burning: Poplar wood ignites quickly and burns at high heat, making it perfect for starting fires or providing a quick burst of warmth. Its fast-burning nature means you can quickly get a fire going and enjoy its warmth without waiting for a long time.
  • Easy to handle: Poplar wood is lightweight and easy to handle, making it convenient for stacking, storing, and transporting. Its manageable size and weight make it an ideal choice for those who prefer a hassle-free firewood experience.

Consider using poplar wood for your next fire!

Burning Questions – Best Trees for Firewood FAQs

What are the characteristics of oak trees that make them a classic choice for firewood?

Oak trees are a popular firewood choice because they produce high heat output and burn slowly. In fact, oak has a heat value of about 24 million BTUs per cord, making it a reliable and efficient option for keeping you warm.

How does the flavor of hickory trees impact the quality of firewood?

The flavor of hickory trees greatly enhances the quality of firewood. When burned, hickory infuses a rich, smoky taste into the food, making it a popular choice among barbecue enthusiasts.

Are maple trees suitable for both indoor and outdoor firewood use?

Maple trees make great firewood for both indoor and outdoor use. Their wood burns hot and steady, like a cozy campfire on a chilly night. Plus, it adds a pleasant aroma to your space.

What makes ash trees a reliable and easy-to-split option for firewood?

Ash trees are a reliable and easy-to-split choice for firewood. They have a low moisture content, which means they burn efficiently and produce more heat. Plus, their straight grain makes them simple to split.

Can beech trees be used as the primary source of firewood due to their high heat output?

Yes, beech trees can be used as the primary source of firewood due to their high heat output. They are an excellent choice for keeping your home warm during the colder months.

Can I collect deadwood from the forest for firewood in Fairfax County?

Due to its value as a habitat for creatures and an important food source for decomposers, collecting dead wood from forests is prohibited in Fairfax County.

Why should I source my firewood from inside Fairfax County?

Due to the possibility of tree-killing insects and diseases that can lurk in firewood (including spongy moth and thousand cankers disease), Fairfax and Prince William counties in Northern Virginia are under quarantine, meaning you cannot move firewood out of those areas. Visit DontMoveFirewood.org for details about the firewood movement in Virginia.

A roaring orange fire burns a pile of partially ashen, split wood.

Northern Virginia offers a number of tremendous firewood options.

Final Thoughts on Firewood

So, there you have it! Now you know the top tree species for firewood in Northern Virginia. Whether you’re looking for a classic choice like oak or a flavorful option like hickory, there’s something for everyone.

So go ahead, gather your firewood, and get ready for cozy nights by the fire!

Looking for Firewood?

Concerned with energy costs in Northern Virginia and are considering firewood as an alternative? Do you just enjoy the atmosphere of a roaring fire? Call Absolute Tree at 703-969-6207 to schedule your split, seasoned firewood delivery today.

For the Absolute Best Tree Service in Northern Virginia, call Absolute Tree Today!

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Author Profile: Ashley Davis

Over the last 19 years, Absolute Tree has grown a reputation as one of the premier tree service companies in the Northern Virginia areas. And there’s a good reason for this—we love trees and our passion for them shows. When you call on Absolute Tree for tree service, you aren’t just getting “some guys who cut down trees.” You’re hiring highly skilled arborists who understand the growth of trees and consider tree care an art form.

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About Absolute Tree Service

Over the last 19 years, Absolute Tree has grown a reputation as one of the premier tree service companies in the Northern Virginia areas. And there’s a good reason for this—we love trees and our passion for them shows. When you call on Absolute Tree for tree service, you aren’t just getting “some guys who cut down trees.” You’re hiring highly skilled arborists who understand the growth of trees and consider tree care an art form.


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