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Tree and Landscape Care for Northern Virginia

Our Advice is a Breeze

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There's a lot that goes into keeping Northern Virginia trees healthy and looking their best, but that doesn't mean you have to do it all yourself! Let the experts at Absolute Tree handle the heavy lifting while you use our best tree care tips to make your trees and landscape the envy of the neighborhood.

An arborist prunes a tree
In the Know

The Benefits of Hiring an Arborist

An arborist is a person who takes care of trees in any possible way. Whenever your trees need assistance, or…
Around Town

Springfield Tree Removal Project

This is a sample text area. Talking about doing some tree removal services in Springfield, VA. Check out our services.
In the Know

Don’t Get Caught Up a Tree

Tree Care Is Crucial for New Homeowners Purchasing a new home is a life event. Rarely is there anything more…
In the Know

Understanding How Much Trees Add Value to Property

Money may not grow on trees, but property value sure does! Have you ever wondered if trees add value to…
How To's

Why You Should be Growing Dogwood Trees in Virginia

Did you know that the flowering dogwood is the Virginia state tree? Or that the flowering dogwood is also the…
Tree touching a powerline.
How To's

Avoid Danger & Injury from a Tree Touching Power Lines

Would you know what to do if there was a tree touching power lines on your property? Power lines and…
How To's

Tips on How to Protect Trees from Deer

Do you need to learn how to protect trees from deer in Northern Virginia, including Arlington, McLean, Alexandria, Fairfax, or…
How To's

Prevent Damage by Winterizing Trees

Do you need to prepare for the cold weather by winterizing trees in Virginia, Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Springfield, or the…
Planting fruit trees in Virginia like these beautiful red apples hanging from the tree is possible due to the favorable conditions of the state.
How To's

Guide to Planting Fruit Trees in Virginia

Are you interested in planting fruit trees in Virginia, Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, McLean, Springfield or other surrounding areas? Virginia weather…
In the Know

Why to Avoid a Cheap Tree Cutting Service

Low prices can catch our attention very quickly, especially when you think you’re scoring a deal on a cheap tree-cutting…
Tree removal by Absolute Tree crew.
How To's

Determining When to Cut Down a Tree

It can be difficult to determine when to cut down a tree without the help of a certified arborist. There…
How To's

A Guide for When to Prune Trees

Are you interested in learning the proper steps and procedures about when to prune trees? Pruning and trimming is a…
How To's

What Kind of Tree Should I Plant?

When deciding to plant trees on your residential or commercial property, there are many factors that need to be taken…
White Absolute Tree Truck from one of the best tree service companies.
In the Know

Finding the Best Tree Service Company

Would you like to know how to find the best tree service company in Virginia? If you’re located in Arlington,…
Tree diease in VA.
Pests & Diseases

Treatment & Tree Diseases in Virginia

We put this resource together to help property owners understand and identify types of tree diseases in Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria,…

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